Thursday, March 25, 2010

Matt Schaidle places at state wrestling

Congratulations to Matt Schaidle for placing 4th at the 2010 IHSA state wrestling tournament.  Matt is coached by Terry Aldridge and Doug Ferguson..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eureka High School Graduation 2010

Eureka High School's 2010 Graduation will be held on Sunday, May 23, at 3:00 PM on McCollum Field at Eureka High School. In the event of rain the ceremonies will be held in the high school gymnasium.

EHS Prom 2010

Eureka High School's 2010 Prom will be held on Saturday, May 1, at the Waterhouse in Peoria, IL from 6:00 PM until 11:30 PM.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mr. O'Hanlon organizes a Hunter Safety course

Thanks to Mr. O'Hanlon for helping organize a Hunter Safety course for EHS students at Secor Sportsman club.

Bass fishing team hosts tournament

The Eureka High School bass fishing team hosted a four team tournament on March 20th at Eureka lake.  Thanks to Scott Punke for organizing this event and Tad Whitten for donating prizes.  Teams from Roanoke-Benson, Washington, and Metamora competed against the five EHS two person teams.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 15, 2010 FFA Banquet

Jessica Robinson, Elly Vance

March 15, 2010 FFA Banquet

Will Rokey, Molly Davis, Ross Wettstein

Monday, March 15, 2010

FFA wins livestock judging competition

Congratulations to the Eureka FFA Livestock Evaluation team for winning the Blackhawk East Invitational last Saturday. This Invitational is one of the most prestigious and longest running contests in the Midwest with over 40 teams and 167 individuals. The team placed first overall and they were also the high team in the Beef Division, 2nd in Questions division, 4th in Swine division and 4th in sheep/goats division. The team members included Will Rokey 13th overall, Paul Moens 24th overall , Brad Krumholz 9th overall, Dan Leman 12th overall, Josh Robinson, Allie Miller and Jessica Robinson also competed at the contest.

Pictured 2010 Eureka FFA Livestock Judging Team
Front Row –Gavin Arvin, Jessica Robinson, Allie Miller, Josh Robinson
Back Row- Sam Cottrell, Will Rokey, Paul Moens, Brad Krumholz, Dan Leman

Friday, March 12, 2010

WYSE places at sectional competition

On March 11th, 14 Eureka high school students competed in the WYSE-Academic Challenge Sectional Competition held at Bradley University. WYSE is an acronym for World-wide Youth in Science and Engineering. Each student takes two tests from the following seven subject areas: Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, Engineering Graphics, and Computer Fundamentals. The WYSE-Academic Challenge Team finished in third place behind U-High and Seneca High Schools. They defeated Central Catholic, St. Bede, and Tri-Valley High Schools. Receiving medallions were Jeremy Gerber with a second in both Biology and Computer Science, Matt Schaidle second in Computer Science, Derek Jennings second in Chemistry and Wes Johnson third in Math. Jeremy, Matt, and Derek all advance to the State competition which is held at the University of Illinois on April 20. Other WYSE participants were Tyler Facker, Devin Pigman, Matt Dillard, Caleb Wells, Sarah Gardner, Beth Wagner, Katie Boggs, Austen Knapp, Andrew Wuethrich, and Danielle Kuntz. The team is coached by Mr. Brian Bill.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Matt Schaidle gets recognized by the IHSA

Congratulations to Matt Schaidle for making the all-state academic team this year in the honorable mention category. Follow the link to see the entire list:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

EHS dance team competes at state

The EHS dance team will perform at 12:25 on Saturday in Champaign at Assembly hall. They are the last lyrical group to hit the floor in Division A out of eight teams that made state.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Career week begins at EHS

A big thank you to Mr. Bachman and Mrs. Brown for organizing Career Week activities! The opening assembly featured Rep. Aaron Schock as the guest speaker. Pictured with Rep. Schock is his #1 fan Kaitlynn Monfre.

EHS competes in Corn Belt Conference Art Show

Congratulations to Melanie Wacker and Sarah Gardner for earning 2nd Place ribbons at the Cornbelt Art Show. To see all of the art work on display follow the link provided: