Friday, April 15, 2011

Mrs. Bertschi is honored

Congratulations to Deb Bertschi for being honored at the SAR banquet on April 14, 2011 with the Schweizer American History Teacher Award.  She is pictured with G. Gordon Bidner - GJB SAR Chapter President and Citizenship Chair

One of the Presenters During EHS Career Week

 One of the presenters, a dog trainer, her dog, and Mrs. Brown.

Morning Show Host for Power Radio 92

Go to the following site to listen to the Power Radio 92 show host talk about her visit to EHS during Career Week.

3rd Annual Career Week at EHS

The 3rd annual Career Week was April 11th-15th!  Twenty-two professionals came to EHS throughout the week to speak to our students.  An Emmy Award-Winning Animator, a Forensic Police Officer, a NFL Scout, an Early Childhood Educator, a Dog Trainer…just to name a few!  This was a great week for the students and community alike to work together in finding the perfect jobs for tomorrow's leaders. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

EHS students remember a friend and classmate

The Class of 2012 planted tulips in memory of Logan Sauder in October.  The tulips bloomed this week.   The following students helped plant the 105 tulip bulbs (one for each class member): Kurt Cottrell, David Crowe, Nikki Connolly, Jacey Hartman, Danielle Bill, and Lexi Bauman.

EHS hosts volunteer luncheon

Thanks to the social committee of Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Schrepfer, Mrs. Rieke, and Mrs. Jackson for organizing this year's volunteer luncheon in the EHS library.  Also, a big thanks to Todd Hohulin of 2Chez restaurant for catering the event, the volunteers for helping out throughout the year, and the students for acting as receptionists!

EHS WYSE team places in top 20 at state

The EHS WYSE team placed in the top twenty yesterday at the state competition. If they would count all of the scores recorded, we would have been 11th and in the top five of the public schools. Congratulations to Thompson Zhuang, who was a medalist in the area of Chemistry.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

FFA Lock-in 2011

This year’s FFA Lock-In was a blast!  The night started off with a team building activity in which the members present were split into groups, and each group duct taped one of the 5 girl officers to the wall.  Laughter and smiles filled the room as the game started; the results were humorous to say the least.  This event was the prelude to a night filled with never ending games of dodge ball and basketball, plus a bouncy and lot of scrumptious food!  75 Eureka FFA members of all ages came and enjoyed a time of fun, food, and lots of friends! 
This group decided to duct tape their officer, Larae Zimmerman, sideways!

Taylor Dawson enjoying the fun!

Anna Sophia Christ, Jacob Leman, Tommy Kempf, and Matt Hill