Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eureka FFA attends national convention

Potential; the possibility of being or becoming. For an FFA member there are endless possibilities and they have infinite potential. Those who adorn the world renowned blue corduroy jacket exhibit these qualities of leadership. They look at a situation and see it not for what it is but for what it could become. They look at people and see them not who they are but how great they could become!

Last week our ten local Eureka High School FFA officers had an incredible opportunity to gather together with thousands of other FFA students from across the United States in Indianapolis, Indiana for this year’s National FFA Convention. This year’s theme was infinite potential; it showed us how every single person has the potential to do great things, an unlimited amount of potential. They heard from speakers such as comedian Josh Shipp about how we will face adversity in life, but how to overcome that adversity and use it to our advantage. They also heard from people such as The US Dept. of Education’s Arne Duncan and one of our National FFA officers Bethanay Bohnenbust.

The officers had a great time in Indianapolis going to workshops such as How to Use Conflict Creatively, visiting the cities art and rhythm museums, going to a Lady Antebellum Concert, and a rodeo that the city puts on for the National FFA. They also participated in the career show, learning about growing businesses in the agriculture industry and colleges around the states who have a major focus on agriculture. The officers that went grew not only as a person but as a team collectively and will now bring home what they learned at convention and apply it to our local Eureka FFA chapter.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mr. Stromberger hosts guest speaker in his Algebra II class

Bob Hickock discussed his algebra experience with the students, and told how “one problem changed my life,” taking him from a low algebra student in high school to an engineer making B1 bombers.  Mr. Hickock did a fantastic job engaging the students and assuring them that through their struggles with math, success will come with perseverance.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FFA Bonfire Meeting

This past Thursday, Oct. 7, the Eureka FFA held their monthly meeting at the Blunier Barn in Congerville.  The FFA provided hot dogs and s’mores for the meeting.  The night consisted of two team building games, a brisk hayrack ride, and a bonfire at the end of the meeting.  It was a fun night of making new friends and spending quality time with old friends; everyone had a great time!
In the top photo are Katherine Syndram and Larae Zimmerman enjoying eating before the games start.
In the lower photo are the FFA members getting ready for the hay rack ride.