Friday, September 28, 2012

EHS Cafe Writer's Circle

Pictured above are Ross Hettinger, Kelly McCabe, Constance Moushon, Ms. Lowe, and Mrs. Roorda. Along with Mrs. Bertschi, Ms. Lowe and Mrs. Roorda are sponsoring the new Cafe Writer's Circle at EHS. They are "hanging" out at Mika's in this picture. Members share their writings each month and help to critique each work. It is their hope that one day someone will get published. Not pictured is Whitley Gregoire.

Welcome to Eureka High School

Welcome to Eureka High School. Tonight is an exciting night for our school and our community as we unveil our newly renovated stadium and track to the public for the first time. It is with much anticipation that we open up this facility and let you, the fans, enjoy upgraded bleachers for a better viewing experience. We feel these upgrades will not only add to the excitement of the game, but also to the comfort that you have as a fan. Please refer to the seating chart below for instructions on where we would like you to sit. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Seating is recommended in the following way: In the extreme left section is the EHS Band; in the next section to the right of the Band are EHS students; in the center section are EHS Parents; in the section to the right of the parents are EHS general fans; in the extreme right section are the EMS students.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous members of our community that helped make this project a reality. A big thank you goes to the Community Unit School District 140 Board of Education for their commitment to our students and for their vision to see this project through. A special thanks to Dr. Randy Crump- Retired Supt. of Schools, Mr. Bob Gold - Supt. of Schools, Rich Wherley- Eureka High School Principal, Ken Pyles – School Board Member, Kevin Wiegand – School Board Member and Bill Carr – Head Custodian for their hard work during this process.

Finally, we would like to thank the Community Unit School District 140 Education Foundation for providing funding for the banners that you see hanging on the new bleachers. The foundation has a legacy fund which alumni from all over the country contribute to on a yearly basis. The Legacy Fund dollars are designated each year for different projects in our schools. If you want more information about the District 140 Education Foundation, please contact your Superintendent, Mr. Bob Gold.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Senior Portraits of Class of 2013

Senior Portraits for the Class of 2013 will be taken on Tuesday, October 2nd at EHS. These photos will be used in the EHS yearbook, class composite picture, as well as other publications featuring the Class of 2013.

The EHS yearbook staff has created space in the yearbook to include those photos as well. If your senior has another photo that they would like to include in their senior yearbook, they may submit them to Mr. Streit at EHS via email or hard copy. The deadline for those submissions is January 15, 2013.

While there is no charge for senior portraits, there will be an option to purchase additional photos at an affordable price.

Please dress your best for senior portraits on October 2nd, as this photo will be have a lasting impact in the years to come.

Marching band wins again

Congratulations to the EHS Marching Band for winning Class 1A/2A Grand Champion at the Limestone Rocket Invitational on Saturday.  The band edged out Metamora by a razor thin .3 points, and also earned 1A/2A Grand  Champion Winds, Percussion, and Auxiliary awards.  What's more, the band did all of that with a yet-to-be-finished production.  The next time you can see the Marching Hornets will be Friday night at halftime of the Homecoming Game, and in competition on October 13th at the  University of Illinois (8:56 a.m.) and Downers Grove South High School (3:45 p.m.).  The band is led on the field by Drum Majors Mark Crenshaw and Amanda Wright, who learned that two people cannot physically carry 8 trophies back to the buses.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Bleacher and track project nearing completion

iPad usage increases at EHS

Several new iPads were distributed to the instructional staff this week to begin using in their classroom instruction.  Mrs.Brown and Mr. Bachman were also given two to use in the counseling office to help students with college and career selection as pictured above.  A big thanks to Mr. Durley for helping implement this program and providing the necessary training for the staff to use them properly.

Band starts competition season

Congratulations to the EHS Marching Band for placing 1st in Class 2A at the Washington Panther Invitational on Saturday, outpacing Metamora, Tri-Valley, and Lincoln.  Despite the obstacle of not being able to rehearse together for most of the school year  due to the stadium renovation, the band worked extremely hard from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday in preparation for their performance, and did a great job for their first show this year both in front of an audience and in full uniform.  You can see their next performance of “On The Edge” at this Saturday’s football game, and then again later that same night at the Pontiac Indian Showdown at 7:55 p.m.  The band is led on the field by drum majors Mark Crenshaw and Amanda Wright.

MAP Testing Has Begun

MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) Testing has begun at EHS. During the past week all 9th grade students enrolled in Foundations of Science I were tested. This week all 9th and 10th graders will be tested in Reading. Next week all 9th and 10th graders will be tested in Math. Results are uploaded to the tesing site and made available to teachers. A second round of this testing will take place in January and a third round in April-May.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

NHS Announcement

The NHS induction ceremony has been moved to Thursday, October 4 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. It will be held in the HS cafeteria with a reception to follow.