Tuesday, March 22, 2011

EHS students attending PAWAC conference

On March 26, 2011, the Peoria Area World Affairs Council (PAWAC) will be hosting their annual conference at the Par-A-Dice Hotel, in East Peoria.  This year the conference is exploring the challenges and possibilities in Latin America.  The following students were awarded scholarships to attend the conference from the Eureka Rotary and PAWAC:  Brad Brewer, Christopher Crawford, David Crowe, Emily Cuffe, Jehanne Eveno, Erica Garber, José Hidrogo, and Chase Scherer.  Thompson Zhuang was chosen for the PAWAC National Scholastic Bowl team and will travel with the team to Washington D.C.  This is the first time an EHS student scored so high; this high score was why he was chosen to participate on the national team.  EHS Social Science/Studies teacher, Deborah Bertschi, will be accompanying the students to the conference.