Monday, May 9, 2011

Livestock, Dairy, and Horticulture State Judging Competition

The Eureka FFA's Livestock, Dairy, and Horticulture Teams recently competed at the state level competition. The Livestock Team placed 4th in the state, out of 107 teams; the Dairy Team placed 4th in the state, out of 78 teams; the Horticulture Team placed 22nd out of 32 teams. This year's competition was held at the University of Illinois, in Champaign, IL. Daniel Leman held the leading core of 511 for the Livestock Judging Team, Rebecca Kupferschmid held the leading score of 409 for the Dairy Judging Team, and Samuel Cottrell held the leading score of 430 for the Horticulture Team. This year's team members did a fantastic job practicing and preparing for the competition months in advance. Congratulations to this year's Eureka FFA Livestock, Dairy, and Horticulture Judging Teams for their performances at the state level!
Katherine Syndram (Jr) works on her floral arrangement for the Horticulture competition.

Harrison Frank (Fr) shows off his floral arrangement.