Wednesday, March 6, 2013

HOPE Week at EHS

HOPE Week has not only demonstrated the kindness and generosity of people in our community, but also the power of working together and uniting.  This power is moving!  Not only has HOPE Week spread all over the country, but its power has been demonstrated through various acts.  For example, we had someone donate their memorial money to our HOPE Week!  We have had anonymous donators give significant amounts of money, we have had so many students ranging from 2 years old to 19 years old give their own money and sacrifice things they wanted to buy with that saved money, we have had students keep their change for the entire year, and so much, much more.

I want my children to live in a world like this where people make personal sacrifices for the betterment of the human kind in whatever capacity they are passionate about. This is why HOPE Week and the Dax Locke Foundation have changed my life.  It is my hope that through the actions of this week that students will forever remember the feeling of giving and helping others! 

Thank you first and foremost to Julie for allowing us to be a part of this cause, thank you to the amazing HOPE Week board, to StuCo, to Mr. Wherley, all the administration/faculty/staff and students at each school!  Thank you to EMS for raising $2583.50, Davenport for raising $2,675.18, Congerville for raising $606.18, Goodfield for raising $1355.01, Jacob’s Ladder Child Care for raising $1717.00, Eureka College for raising $231.00 and Eureka High School for bringing in all the rest!!  The top three events this year were Coin Wars with $5492.80 in FOUR days, the Walk A Thon bringing in $3123.97, and the first annual 3on3 basketball tournament bringing in $1752.37 for a grand total of $27839.79!!    WOW!