Monday, March 11, 2013

Science Extravaganza 2013

On Saturday, March 9 over 100 students from Davenport, Goodfield, and Congerville grade schools spent the morning with the Eureka High School Science Club. The young scientists were able to participate in many science related activities including learning a bit about the space shuttle programs followed by shooting off rockets outside, interacting with animals from the Glen Oak Zoo, making snot and learning of the importance of mucous within the body. The elementary students were able to make oobleck and walk across a baby pool filled with this liquid – that has characteristics of a solid! It was a day filled with experiencing science first hand – and having fun at the same time!
Students participating in the Science Extravaganza had the opportunity to experience science experiments first-hand! In this activity the young scientists made “elephant toothpaste” and watched a mini-explosion of bubbles!
The Glen Oak Zoomobile session had students interacting with an armadillo, cockroaches from Madagascar and more!
In another demonstration, the children were able to walk across a “liquid” – Non-Newtonian matter, or oobleck was prepared in a baby pool – if you run really fast you can step on the material but if you wait too long you sink! Students were then able to make their own oobleck and take it home.
In another experiment the young scientists made snot that glowed under UV light, and learned about why the body makes this nasty, but necessary substance!

At another location, the students were able to dissect a squid and write with the ink inside!