Costumes, candy, and cake--the perfect combination for Congerville Elementary School’s PTO Carnival on Friday, October 25. Because this event provided hours of family fun, volunteers were crucial. Members of National Honor Society, an organization for excelling students here at EHS and sponsored by Ms. Allison Zeller and Mrs. Kim Willi, stepped up to the plate and took this as opportunity to receive service hours. Senior Brian Spurgeon is one of many students involved in NHS who volunteered. “The PTO carnival in Congerville is a small scale version of the Davenport carnival with its own little farm community twist,” he stated. The “the farm community twist” definitely showed through in several of the activities. Hay rack and horseback rides were just two of them that Brian listed. Taylor Krile, a junior NHS member, said that she assisted with a game called “Fling the Ring” where a student would try to throw a ring onto a bowling pin. If the student was successful they were awarded with a piece of candy. Though this event did allow NHS members to receive time towards their needed 15 service hours, that is not the only reason they volunteered. Spurgeon said, “I really wanted to help out because I remember being that same age and getting very worked up over the Davenport PTO carnival and figured it was my turn to share the joy.”
Written by: Junior Adriane Schoonover