Monday, November 21, 2011

Eureka FFA Ag Sales Team Competes

Slick Moves Sell out the Competition

By: Ellynne Vance

The 2011 Eureka High School FFA Ag Sales Team competed last Wednesday night, November 9th, at Black Hawk East College in Moline, IL. The team consisted of 5 FFA members including Ellen Wuethrich (Sr.), Payton Fehr (Sr.), Ellynne Vance (Sr.), Kent Hinrichsen (Soph.), and Alan Zimmerman (Fr.). The Ag Sales competition was composed of 5 different sale scenarios that ranged from presenting an item to the judges and convincing them it’s worth the buy, to calming a deranged customer on the phone by using their customer service skills. Plus the team had 1 project together in which they had to create and present a sales pitch with only 25 minutes to prepare the presentation. The team placed 4th overall with Ellynne Vance and Alan Zimmerman placing 3rd, and Ellen Wuethrich placing 2nd in their respective areas.

The Ag Sales competition is a life skills activity which teaches students about business and sales through agricultural means. The FFA is a positive influence in student’s lives by teaching them premier leadership and service through community service events, classroom guidance, and competition.