On February 13th, 14 Eureka high school students competed in the WYSE-Academic Challenge Regional Competition held at ICC. WYSE is an acronym for World-wide Youth in Science and Engineering. Each student takes two tests from the following seven subject areas:
Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, Engineering Graphics, and Computer Science. Eureka finished in first place with Fieldcrest High School finishing in 2nd. The team will advance to the sectional competition to be held at ICC on March 6th.
Individual Medal winners were: Andrew Nason 1st in Math and 2nd in Chemistry, Rebekah Coon 3rd in Math, Austin McKee 1st in Chemistry and 1st in Physics, Anna Boggs 1st in Biology, Andrew Fehr 1st in Engineering Graphics and 3rd in Chemistry, Ross Hettinger 2nd in English and 2nd in Biology, Emma Troth 2nd in Biology and 3rd in English, Nathaniel Sylvester 2nd in Chemistry, and 2nd in Engineering Graphics, Ryan Kennell 2nd in Physics, Brian Spurgeon 2nd in Computer Science, Quincy McSweeny 3rd in Biology, and Erik Slingerland 3rd in Computer Science.
Other students helping lead the team to a first place finish were Hunter Honeg and Ashley Schrock.
The team is coached by Mr. Brian Bill.
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Front row L to R: Brian Spurgeon, Hunger Honeg, Ashley Schrock, Anna Boggs, Emma Troth.
Middle row: Andrew Fehr, Rebekah Coon, Quincy McSweeny, Ryan Kennell. Back row: Brian Bill (Coach), Nathaniel Sylvester, Ross Hettinger, Austin McKee, Andrew Nason, Erik Slingerland.